Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bird of Prey

This is why I like to take my camera everywhere with me. There have been a TON of times that I have wished that my camera had been in my bag or my pocket but it hasn't been. It has been on my bedroom floor, or my dresser, or under a pile of clothes or papers. (I'm not the tidiest person in the world.)

Today, I struck gold. I was walking home from the bank and spotted this bird of prey across the road. It is because of birds like these that we keep the bunny inside.

So, I had my camera with me on this occasion. Yay! I would have kicked myself if I hadn't had it. Sometimes I wish that my camera was physically attached to my body. Then I wouldn't have to remember to take it with me. (I'm also a little forgetful.) Maybe I'll just use some Gorilla Glue.

I wish that I could have gotten a better pic but it flew away when a car drove passed. I was tempted to follow where it flew but I thought maybe that would have been a teeny, tiny bit obsessive.

I wish my camera had better zoom. This was a very well thought out and constructed post. I know, I know! I'm brilliant!

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