Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week
This weekend I totally did NOT do something a little insane and it most certainly did NOT involve an actor from certain popular wizarding school movies. Nope. NO WAY!!
I did NOT knit while I was waiting. I did NOT finish my hat and I was in NO WAY tempted to get him to sign it. NOR was I tempted to get him to sign the knitting pattern for the hat when I had decided that getting him to sign the hat wouldn't be a good idea. It will NOT now forever be known or referred to as my Harry Potter hat.
I did NOT get his autograph and then give it to my friend. THAT would be ridiculous. I am NOT tempted to somehow procure said autograph from her without her noticing because I did NOT get one for me (actually I really didn't.... bummer!)
I did NOT try and persuade her to stand outside the theatre last night to get me an autograph. I am a much better friend than that!
This weekend I totally did NOT do something a little insane and it most certainly did NOT involve an actor from certain popular wizarding school movies. Nope. NO WAY!!
There is NOT a chance that I stood outside a stage door for almost 4 hours (until 11pm!) whilst my friend actually watched the play that this certain actor was in. THAT would be crazy so I certainly did NOT do that! I actually did not see the play at all (really!)

I was totally NOT over excited by the idea of seeing movie star who is actually a real person (a very short, real person) and is only particularly special because he has been in some movies (and an old version of David Copperfield when he was much younger and only a little shorter than he is now - just kidding!). So what? I would NEVER do that! I'm not that affected by celebrity. Nope, NOT me!

I am definitely NOT going to frame the one good photo that I got of him. I am just NOT that girl.

I DID, however, meet some really sweet girls who had been waiting outside a stage door since 2pm and 5pm but were obviously NOT waiting for the same movie star that was NOT mentioned above. (I did NOT think that they were even crazier than me!) And I will NOT be pinching some of their photos from Facebook because I am NOT jealous that they did NOT get better pictures than me!
There is NO WAY that I couldn't sleep that night after I had NOT done something so weird, something that I would definitely NOT do if I was back home in the UK. I'm just too cool!
Totally awesome not me's!!!!
that is way cooler than say, waiting for a certain welsh songs of praise singer:(
seriously...way cooler...
Goodness me, hasn't he grown since the first Harry Potter film!! (-:
(I should probably leave it as a seperate comment further down, but your cakes look delicious (-:).
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