Not really. I don't have a large amount of money, nor did I laugh. Laughing all that way would be a little creepy and probably very tiring. But I did smile.
It was such a glorious day. The sun was shining, which I was very thankful for, which gave a tiny bit of heat when the wind wasn't whipping. In fact, I think the only time that my smile drooped slightly was when my ears started to feel like they were going to fall off. In fact, I almost began to wish that they would fall off just to stop them from hurting.
But the freezing cold wind aside, the sunshine made me smile. The sky too. It was such a full blue. It wasn't that watery, wishy washy, winter type blue sky. It was a deep, cloudless blue. Wonderful.
I took a picture of these snowdrops. I feel like the weather should be warming up now. Why is it still cold?

If you ever happen to look at my sidebar you will see my updates on Twitter. I have discovered that I can text updates from my phone which is obviously very exciting as I can update without having to go near the computer! Hurrah!
You may have noticed an update about a text message sent from my Mum. I was rather excited to get this text and here is what it said:
I have WON a sensor bin! Shall i have to go on a diet to stop my bum setting it off?
Maybe she won't totally appreciate me blogging the exact words of the text but that is what happens when your daughter has a blog! Sorry, Mum!
So she WON a sensor bin. As you may know, if you have read my blog that far back, we already have one of those here (you can read about it by clicking on this link).
Here is my advice (well, not advice per se but telling what WILL happen) to my Mum about her sensor bin:
1: You WILL open it with your bottom, arm, leg, laundry basket, tray of tea etc etc, even when you don't want it to open. You WILL get annoyed.
2: You WILL get annoyed when it doesn't open quick enough.
3: You WILL get annoyed when it doesn't stay open for long enough, even though (if it is like ours) there is a button that you can press to keep it open.
4: You WILL stand in front of other people's bins and wonder why it won't open for you. Why is this bin giving me attitude??
I'm just thankful that I won't have to adjust back to a 'normal' bin when I go home!
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