If you don't understand what I mean by place and bake, it is pretty simple. It is ready made cookie dough which is already cut up for you. You place it on a cookie sheet and bake it in the oven until they are ready. In theory it is a cinch but I just can't do it. I burn them every time! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Not ONCE have I been successful at them. Give me a pavlova any day!
Michella said this to me yesterday:
'You look like George Washington.'
I don't think it was a compliment.

Leave it to children to say the strangest things and the truest. In this case, it was definitely a strange thing to say...not one ounce of truth in it. Jo is beautiful and radiant.
Love the blog, Jo. The time counter saddens me, though. I'm glad you have a blog so that I can keep up with you in the future.
That last comment was me, Callie. I did not remember my password and so had to post anonymous. Then I decided to redo my password so that's why I am using it now. I love your blog--it's upbeat, open, honest like you. Carolyn sent me the address. I'm happy she did. Your life is interesting; it's fun to read about what you did and do. People who know you are blessed. I will miss you and am happy to have met you. God bless you, Jo.
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