Thursday, February 19, 2009

The More Complicated The Better

I don't know what it is, but 'place and bake' cookies thwart me every time, and I do mean EVERY time! I can cook a mean pavlova, lemon or chocolate meringue pie or even a chicken pot pie but 'place and bake' cookies defeat me.
Appetising, no? These particular ones are Aunt Chrissie's 'Best Oatmeal Choc Chip Cookies Ever' Cookies. Well, the board is out on that one but I don't think I tried them at their best. I ended up throwing more than half the batch away. Boo Hoo!

If you don't understand what I mean by place and bake, it is pretty simple. It is ready made cookie dough which is already cut up for you. You place it on a cookie sheet and bake it in the oven until they are ready. In theory it is a cinch but I just can't do it. I burn them every time! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Not ONCE have I been successful at them. Give me a pavlova any day!

Michella said this to me yesterday:

'You look like George Washington.'

I don't think it was a compliment.


Anonymous said...

Leave it to children to say the strangest things and the truest. In this case, it was definitely a strange thing to say...not one ounce of truth in it. Jo is beautiful and radiant.

Love the blog, Jo. The time counter saddens me, though. I'm glad you have a blog so that I can keep up with you in the future.

Callie said...

That last comment was me, Callie. I did not remember my password and so had to post anonymous. Then I decided to redo my password so that's why I am using it now. I love your blog--it's upbeat, open, honest like you. Carolyn sent me the address. I'm happy she did. Your life is interesting; it's fun to read about what you did and do. People who know you are blessed. I will miss you and am happy to have met you. God bless you, Jo.