Sunday, March 26, 2006

Having a great time at home. I haven't really done a lot to be honest. I had my first driving lesson for a year on Thursday which went great - things just seemed to click. My instructor is really nice so it is really good!!
Have been to the gym a few times this week - I actually enjoyed it and was impressed at how much I was able to do considering I haven't done any proper exercise for a while.
On Friday evening I went to YL for the first time. It was great and very funny at times. I enjoyed it a lot!!!
On Saturday evening we all invaded the Plants' house, took over the living room and watched a DVD. The one chosen was Cinderella Man. It was a very good film, with a very good story but I wasn't too keen on all the boxing scenes - not my cup of tea!! But generally pretty enjoyable. We got home so late last night. James gave me a lift home and stopped at a green light which was funny. I got home at midnight exactly but counting the clocks changing it was one o'clock!!!!! So I'm very tired today and kept yawning through church this morning!!!!

Happy Birthday Stuart!!!

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