Friday, November 07, 2008

10 today! and my new charge.....

I also forgot to say:

It is Julianna's birthday today! She is now 10 years old! Hooray!

We just had cupcakes with Mary and Sal (Vinny's parents) and are having a party with more family tomorrow night!
The cupcakes looked like neither of these pictures but they are pretty and they are cupcakes so here they are..... and I really want to eat another cupcake now!

The fun never ends!!

Their Uncle Joe got Michella a Tamagotchi yesterday (very similar to the one pictured!). Now I have another child to look after (because I so desperately need more!!! :-S) but Michella says that she will give me Saturday and Sundays off as well as the holidays that they have from school. So I guess I am getting a good deal..... except, of course, that I am not being paid!

She only got it yesterday and I already had to confiscate it this evening...... that didn't go down well! Especially considering that it went to sleep at 8pm and didn't wake up until she was at school so she actually hasn't gotten to play with it much at all!

*I edited this post about 7 times!!*

1 comment:

Beth xxx said...

lol, fun fun!
that top cupcake is awsome!