Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Best £1.79 I Have Ever Spent

You know what, I really do like my iPod. I never thought that I would be persuaded that iPods or 'iAnything' were the way forward. The iPod Touch is really something special though. I both love and loathe that I am so hooked on technology but this thing is BRILLIANT. Yeah, you've probably guessed that I am not referencing my iPod purchase in the title of this blog.... £1.79 would have been a mega deal!
I'm talking about an App that I downloaded. It cost me £1.79 and it is definitely worth it. It is called C25K (Couch To 5K).

If you haven't caught on, it's a running app.

I tried getting into running a while back. I have a book with a schedule in it and everything. It is actually a really good book and I found it very useful. The only problem was that I was running on pavements which is the hardest surface that you can run on so is very hard on your joints. It just got too painful for me to continue.

Now I have a car so I am able to drive to somewhere where the running surface isn't quite so relentless so I decided to get this app.

This way I can do the alternating jogging/walking whilst listening to my music. It also means that I don't have to keep looking at my watch because I get peeps in my ear and an instruction whether to run or walk when it is time to change pace. I can just concentrate on what I am doing.

I tested it for the first time today and it really worked very well for me. I actually enjoyed my exercise and can't wait to go out jogging again soon!!

1 comment:

Sophie said...

Sounds very good to me. Now i have to look if it is in Austria available as well