Thursday, December 18, 2008


So. that time of year is upon us again.
I tell you, Thanksgiving here throws you for a loop because everything is geared up to that holiday and then all of a sudden Christmas is next week.

My parents are coming to see me. They are actually travelling over on Christmas Day (although I won't see them until the next day most probably). Nevertheless, I feel more homesick this year than I did last year. Maybe that is because this time last year Beth and my Mum were here. Or maybe it is because it has hit me that I didn't have Christmas at home last year either.

Who knows!

Here are the things that I am going to miss the most (in no particular order!):

1) The Marks and Sparks trimmings. I don't eat the turkey but I LOVE the trimmings!

2) The best roast potatoes EVER (my Mum is a genius).

3) The dog getting excited about opening presents even if they are not hers. She is very funny. She won't go and open them herself but she will help out, especially if it squeaks or smells like beef! Then she'll get excited about opening ANY presents!

4) The Santa sack that my Mum made for me when I was younger (I told you my Mum is a genius, right?)

5) The way we open our presents throughout the day not just all at once in the morning. Even at 7pm we have a couple of pressies each left under the tree.

6) Carolling with the GREBC lot. I love it! I miss Christmas carols. Somehow I missed out on singing ANY last year. I hope this year isn't the same! And what is this about Jonathan teaching parts to the carols?? When I am not there??

7) Beth. Well, I actually never see her at Christmas. I just miss her. She is the best best friend in the world!

I'm sure I will come up with more things that I miss as the week goes on.

Mum and Dad, I can't wait to see you!

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