Friday, February 02, 2007

My hamster, Zinzan, has discovered a new trick. In hamster cages there are wheels that they run around in to get exercise. But Zinzan is not your usual hamster. She has started running ON TOP of the wheel instead of in it! I don't have a clue why she started doing this or how she discovered she could do it! I bought Zinzan a new cage a few weeks back and I think she is used to it now. She has a lot more space anyway which is good!

I read an article on the bbc website today about where the loudest and quietest urban areas are in England. To see the article follow this link
Quite frankly I think it is utter rubbish. Darlington was placed fourth noisiest on the list..... erm, what?? Darlington isn't noisy! What is that about?? I just don't get it! What stupid things scientists do studies on! Like doing a study on whether dogs get jealous or not! I could have told them that without them having to spend lots of time, effort and money studying it. Dogs get jealous!! Hattie is a prime example! Wow! What a ground breaking statement I have just made!

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