I really do.
It is my favourite time of the year!

Just a little insight into my oh so boring life! Please leave a comment!
And I haven't gotten to the football yet:
Ok, I think that is my rant over. I think. Maybe I'll have more after the Iceland game (must win, by the way, boys. Do you think you can handle it??) but I hope, hope that I won't. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.......
Sadly, Michella's new pet didn't seem to take well to his new surroundings and after checking on him we discovered that Leaf had kicked the bucket. Michella was pretty sad.Here she is trying furiously to revive him.
She was comforted by the fact that he was loved by someone:
Me: "At least someone loved him."
Michella: "Him and her." She is too smart!
Michella went on the computer and googled Google. I'm not joking. I appreciate the irony though. She wanted to google 'Why my snail died' but didn't know how to find Google so she googled it. Gotta love it. We decided that Leaf died of old age but Michella is feeling a lot of guilt. Poor thing.
We wish that you had lived with us for a longer period of time, Leaf. Thank you for being our snail.
Leaf/Steve/Sally (?-March 27,2009)
....a touch of this.........and a slathering of that....
.... made these:
So incredibly easy that even I managed it and I find 'place and bake' cookies difficult!!
So there you go! Those are all the current songs on my play list. Some may not last much longer (I'm taking the Harry Potter theme off here soon!) and more will be added (I'll probably add some more Wicked tunes) but now you know why the songs are on my blog and what they mean to me. Maybe you weren't interested. That's OK. I told you anyway!
If you can't read/see it, it says Scotland.
I'm also wearing sunglasses, although I don't really need them in the basement, but I will outside!
I must say that it may be in New York but those chips beat the Blue Lagoon in Glasgow hands down. The Blue Lagoon isn't special. It is just down the road from my flat so is the one I go to. In fact, I was pretty disappointed with them last time I went. I was offered a job there once just cos I seemed nice. First impressions count! The only thing that is in Blue Lagoon's favour is the deep fried pizza. Definitely not something to eat all the time but really tasty! The chips were goooooooooooood!!
I'm really sorry for including this one. Seeing people eat with their mouth open is one of my pet hates. I tell Michella off ALL THE TIME for doing it. Thank goodness she doesn't read my blog! I had meant to close my mouth before Lili took the pic but wasn't quick enough. I included it because of the man sitting next to me. I would LOVE to know what he is doing!!
I think Lili enjoyed her taste of Britain. The chips were good.....
But the fish was fantastic. She loved it. Check out that grease! Can't beat that!
After we had finished I did something daring. Something I have never done, and probably would never do, back home. I'm in New York so I'm allowed to be daring! I ordered a Deep Fried Mars Bar. I've renamed it Death By Chocolate. I would rather like to die this way and if I ate many more of these my arteries probably would seize up under the strain. Chen Li and I halved it (I could have eaten it all myself!) and, WOWZA, was it amazing!! It sounds so disgusting - a Mars Bar coated in batter and deep fried - but words really cannot describe it. I think I'm in love. They also did Deep Fried Toffee Crisps, Lion Bars and even Creme Eggs.
(I know, I look enormous. Probably all that deep fried food. Remind me to buy a fitted fleece!)Thumbs up from Lili!
I know what you are thinking! H.O.T!
Right next to A Salt and Battery there is a restaurant and shop called Tea & Sympathy. The shop sells lots of British food. I indulged in Jelly Tots and Tunnock's Tea Cakes. Yummy!
They even had a London taxi outside:
This stuff isn't half as interesting when you are in Britain but in New York it is so exciting. I think Chen Li was a little scared at how giddy I got. I think she enjoyed it too though.