You didn't care?
Oh well, humour me, people!
So, the big reveal (remember, humour me!)! What is this photo of?

It was NOT a pile of leaves, obviously I think, otherwise I would probably not have asked the question. That was Alex, Julianna and Michella's guesses but then they are only between the ages of 14 and 6 so what could I expect!
It was in fact.......
Tree Bark! Pretty cool/weird/a little creepy. I don't remember seeing tree bark like that before! My Mum guessed correctly. She knew she was correct when she made the comment because she asked me on the phone if she was. I told her she had better leave a comment 'or else.' So, finally there is a comment from one of my parents on my blog. The other one had better get himself into gear! And he had better get his own blogger name and not share somebody else's like he does with Facebook!

Anyway, she got it right. Well done!
Here are a few other pics from my wee walk.
Maybe you can't see it (cos I can't really see it and I know it is there!) but there was some kind of heron (or other bird with very long legs) by the reeds.

I LOVE the macro feature on my camera. I mean, I am actually in love with it. Really. It is amazing.

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