Now I just need to give my flat a good tidy - it is so messy! I'll also have to do some revision for my Biblical Studies exam on Tuesday. It is just fun, fun, fun!!
I'm really missing Zinzan just now. My flat is so quiet without him! I don't know how I will cope when I am in the USA and I won't get to see him for a whole month! I know that it sounds utterly ridiculous because he is just a hamster but I've got so used to having him around. He is a real character and is so funny!

He is so small in this picture - he is a big, beefy hamster now!! He loves his chocolate (hamster chocolate) and is pretty fat!! lol I can't wait to see him on Tuesday. I felt so sick when he went missing the other week. If I had been in Darlington when he escaped I would have ripped the house apart to find him. I felt so helpless cos I was in Glasgow!
I know that you all think that I am crazy but I DON'T CARE!!!! Sorry about going on so much though!
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