At the moment I'm in Glasgow. I was home at the weekend because all my lectures have finished now (just exams left). I was meant to be staying down there until my first exam but the History department decided that it would be a good idea to put the compulsary Honours meeting on Monday at 4pm after everyone had been planning to go home before their exams. Typical!
I had to go home this weekend because it was the last game of the 2005/2006 football season so, of course, was unmissable. We were playing Wrexham and Ryan was captain for the match (clearly should be captain all the time as he is Darlo's most consistent player!). To be fair, the game wasn't the most exciting ever. Wrexham went 1-0 up before half time although I thought we were better. In the second half Darlo were just starting to pick it up and looked slightly more threatening when Dave Hodgeson made a triple substitution - what a bad idea!!!! The only one of those subs who brought anything to the game was Wainy (who is clearly genius!) - he just isn't scared to run at people. With 5 minutes to go until the 90 mins were up, all the kids started congregating at the edge of the pitch - no guessing what they were planning on doing. Darlo equalised in injury time and all the kids ran on the pitch! YOU IDIOTS! THERE'S STILL TIME LEFT TO PLAY IN THE MATCH!! LOSERS!!! Finally all the kids (and some stupid adults) were ushered off the pitch and the match restarted only to finish a couple of seconds later so all the kids ran on again. It made me so angry! It actually made me a little scared as well because people could so easily get injured! One good thing about the match though was that Ryan was finally named Man of the Match - how he doesn't get that every week I don't know!! Cath and I probably sounded a bit stupid because we started cheering this news before everyone else in the crowd did!!!
I hate this part of the season because it means that players will leave the club or be forced to leave. I never like that bit. I feel so bad for the players who are released and the manager always seems to include at least one of my favourites!
Well, after the football James picked up Beth and I, and then Paul, and we all went through to Middlesbrough where everyone was meeting for a meal and then a DVD at Jon Plant's. For tea we went to a restaurant called the China Buffet King which was really nice - good food! Then Jon, Beth and I had to choose the DVD. We ended up with The Brothers Grimm (Jon's choice). It wouldn't work in the DVD player so Israel had to go to his house and get his Play Station 2 to play it in. So after a disasterous start the film was quite good - a bit weird and I probably wouldn't go out of my way to watch it again but it wasn't bad!
Sunday was Sunday. We had a fellowship tea at church where Mark showed slides of the trip that he, Abigail and Luke made to Cyprus to visit the Swansons. It was quite interesting. After church Beth and I played hide and seek with Luke and Fiona which was quite amusing!
Yesterday I came back to Glasgow on the train which seemed to take forever. At 3.20pm I had a meeting with my History tutor to go over my essay. I got a B so I was pretty pleased! Then I went to the Honours meeting. I have to take 6 history courses (or modules I guess) next year and there was quite a big choice. It was annoying though because a lot of the courses that I wanted to do clashed times. I have chosen my favourites (I can't remember them all just now) but I will hand in my Honours application very soon! Hopefully I will be accepted on the courses that I want to do.
Today I am going shopping to buy 1 or 2 things for my holiday to America!!!
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