Instead of burying my head deep into my Human Biology and Health notes I was confirming who faces belong to in my photos on iPhoto. This is quite a fun part of iPhoto which is another means of organising your photos so that you can find photos of specific people easily... a bit like tagging on the dreaded Facebook. Anyway, sometimes iPhoto tries to help you out by suggesting that faces in the photos belong to people. Sometimes this bit of technology is brilliant and gets it spot on....
(Please excuse the pictures in this post. I'm sure I could have done fancy screen shots and cropping but I have a camera on my phone and I will use it.)

Sometimes you can kind of see where it is coming from....
(Mairi is Caitriona's mum if you didn't know that.)

And sometimes.... sometimes it comes up with a blinder....
Um, what??! Not even remotely close. Not sure how it would even get to this conclusion.

Here I was trying to tag pictures of Michella. Yeah, none of these males are Michella. I don't know who should be more insulted.
I spent a few hours entertaining myself this way. Such fun!
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