It was still raining when I left to go to Sainsbury's. Urgh. I don't mind rain that much. I didn't wear a coat and I didn't use an umbrella. I'm that hardcore. Actually, what that means is that I got wet especially because the car park was so busy and so I had to park at the other end of the car park from the Sainsbury's entrance. Urgh.
I picked up my basket and duly filled it, as you do, with lots of healthy goodies (Is it weird to crave turnip?), bread, milk etc etc. I then realised that my purse was sitting at home on the breakfast room table.... at least that was where I hoped it was!
That meant that I had to ditch my shopping at customer services and bomb it home, pick up my purse and pay for my shopping....... Eeesh! By that point it had stopped raining. Plus 1! Whoop! Getting out of the car park at Sainsbury's is fun and games at the best of times.... today I wanted to scream. Loudly. It was made even worse by one particular idiotic pedestrian. One car tried to pull out behind me but was crossing the opposing lane. I couldn't pull any further forward at that point to let them in properly. Not wanting traffic to be disrupted further, when the car in front of me moved I naturally moved forward. Unfortunately, that meant that I was still halfway over the zebra crossing. Shall I repeat that? HALFWAY across the zebra crossing! HALFWAY! A stupid pedestrian decided that it would be a good thing to do to hit the back of my car multiple times.
Mr Idiotic Pedestrian, did I inconvenience you? Was the other half of the pedestrian crossing not good enough for you? Was it that difficult to manoeuver yourself around the back of my car? In what circumstance did you ever think that it was appropriate to even place your hands on my car, let alone with force?
Yup, that just made my day. To make matters even worse, or to make my mood even worse, the sun that was shining was making it near impossible to see as I was driving home. Wet roads + bright sunshine = horrendous driving conditions.
Thankfully my purse was sitting on my breakfast room table. So, it was back to Sainsbury's for me. I managed to pay for my shopping and FINALLY I could take my precious veggies, bread, milk and select other items home. Hurrah!
Incidentally, this may be one of my best ever purchases. I have a few of these fold-away bags but none as big as this. 
It fitted all of these groceries in.......
OK, fine, I also bought Sainsbury's Sour Cream and Chive flavour crunchy snack mix but I had to wait a while for my camera's battery to recharge to take the photos that you are viewing and, well, why wait to start snacking?! I haven't finished it though..... yet. Just so you know!
Mind you, after fitting all of these groceries in the bag it was so heavy that even my car started beeping at me because the passenger didn't have their seatbelt fastened..... Um, yeah, that was a bag of groceries....And to make it even better it folds up all teeny tiny. Marvelous!
I don't plan to brave Sainsbury's again soon.......
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