This is Evie last year. A lot of my photos on this post are from last year because my camera died. But I got the important pics. You'll see.
Evie was a volunteer but she walked with me to the start of the parade. Alan Cumming (the actor) was leading off the parade so I wanted to get some photos of him. I didn't. Something much better happened.
John Michie.
For those of you who know me (I'm sure all of you do because no one really reads my blog!! haha!), you will know that I LOVE Taggart. L.O.V.E! So you can imagine my amazement when DI Robbie Ross walks right close to where I am standing.
I nearly died. I may have screamed a little. People were asking me who he was because I obviously knew. I sent a text to my Dad: Just seen Robbie from Taggart *paraphrasing*. He sent one back saying: Has he joined CSI New York? *direct quote*. Having nearly died before, this almost carried me over the edge. I laughed till I cried. Quick humour, Dad, I'm impressed!
I will say that it is probably a good job that there was a barrier holding me back. BTW I just noticed Alan Cumming in the background of the photo. He is just to the right of the lady's head wearing a greeny/browny jacket.
Well, this just made my day.... or my year really. But the parade had to go on.
Here are some of the pics:
These are from last year again. It was much warmer last year. I was in shirt sleeves. As you may have noticed, I was standing on the other side of the street.
This guy was there again. I couldn't forget this guy. The leopard print........The best bit of the parade. Without fail! Most of them were dressed up this year in little doggie dresses with girly kilts and full formal Scottish dress for the wee men, including the jacket and kilt. So adorable! Wish I could've gotten a photo of them.
At the parade I got a bag with some free stuff in it, including a Scotland beanie hat and a large Scotland flag. I love free, especially when it is something that I will use!
I did go to do some geocaching downtown but I didn't have the patience. I was still jumping around from my first FTF and John Michie.
But I did see this. They are actually painting the movie poster onto the wall. So cool!
Great day all round!
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