Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You should know this about me.

I am a Valentine's Day cynic. Maybe you would like to call me bitter or think I have sour grapes. I'm not and I don't. I find it a little ridiculous and the fact that people need a day set out for them where they are OBLIGATED to be loving to their loved ones is so bizarre. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the concept of Valentine's Day. In fact, I think it is rather wonderful. Every day should be Valentine's Day. But whatever...

You should also know that I meant to post this on or before Valentine's Day itself but I didn't so you are getting it now!

*steps off soapbox*

On a completely different note, I was extremely excited when I went into A&P (a grocery store) the other day and found THIS:

So I just had to take a TON of photos
(I think it is funny that my walls look blue in this pic - they are actually white. Yes, that is me wearing horizontal stripes. I NEVER wear horizontal stripes. That is a jar of Marshmallow Fluff on my dresser and my TV IS turned towards the mirror!)
I even have some of the chocolate orange left still! Now THAT is a miracle!

Also, I did my hair like this on Sunday. I liked it.

Finally, I did have a Not Me! Monday post to publish but because the girls are off school this week and Blogger was being a pain about loading photos this morning, I didn't get a chance to post it. I'll save it (and most likely add to it!) for next week!

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