I have been quite the domesticated little housewife this week (despite the fact that I am actually unmarried!). Usually I don't spend anytime longer than I need to in the kitchen preparing food. It isn't because I don't like it but it is more that there is always someone, whether they be aged 6, 9 or 13, who needs my attention. This week I have spent rather a lot of time in the kitchen and have enjoyed it immensely.
Last Sunday Robbin took the younger girls apple picking (Alex had a softball game in Connecticut so she and Vinny couldn't go). Now I'm sure apple picking is lots of fun. There is just one problem. Apples. We now have what seems like a truck load! So, I had to come up with some apple recipes to use up some. First I made apple sauce (or as I would call it at home, apple puree). It turned out pretty well. I have made this before at home but this was different purely because the recipe called for cinnamon. I didn't use the blender (see previous post!) so left it lumpy which actually was fine.
The next apple recipe was an apple cobbler. I was a bit apprehensive about this one because I have never made a cobbler before in my life. Ever! The recipe was also a bit strange so I took a few liberties with it. I'm not sure that you are meant to do that the first time that you make something but oh well! It turned out GREAT! I'm not even kidding (nor am I humble!). Definitely a keeper and probably the first foray into the world of cobblers. What to try next? Peach?
My apple cobbler. Maybe it doesn't look so appetising but I can tell you, it was delicious!

With my masterpiece. I'm not sure if I should be able to hold it up like that but it doesn't matter cos it tasted good. Got that??

I also made a shepherd's pie this week. Technically it was a cottage pie because I made it with beef and not lamb..... but does it really matter? I love making things with mince (ground meat) because it is a great way to slip all those disliked (and therefore unused) vegetables in the fridge. Chop them up really small and they have absolutely no clue! This week I chopped up courgette (zucchini) and no one had a clue. Mushrooms and carrots are a favourite too. It always pleases me to see kids who don't like mushrooms or courgettes wolf down a portion without realising!! With this shepherd's pie I also mixed sweet potato into the mash. Michella wondered why it was orange and though not liking sweet potato gobbled it all up and told me it was the most delicious mashed potato she had ever had. She never realised about why it was orange. She thought it was food colouring.
I wonder what I'll make next week. Probably it'll just be back to normal and I'll spend as little time in the kitchen as possible!
1 comment:
Wow, some interesting cooking tips there- at least they will be when I finally get an oven!!! (-: I've never tried a cobbler (nor do I what one is exactly- what is it??), but it looked pretty good to me. Glad all is going well at the other side of the pond. (-:
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