Sunday, September 10, 2006

On Saturday Helen picked me up at just after 10am and we headed over to Carlisle. We were having a reunion of leaders from LM3C at Laura's new flat. Unfortunately Agnes couldn't be there but she was the only one so all the rest of us were there, although that still didn't mean there were a great number of us - Laura, Helen, Lola, Kirsten and I.
Helen and I were the last ones to arrive. We chatted for a while then went to Penrith (where Laura works) and had lunch. It was so delicious - shame I don't live anywhere near Penrith or I'd go there more often! After lunch we headed to Keswick and just wandered around for a while at the market and then down by the lake which just looked beautiful on such a sunny day. Then, of course, we got ice cream!!

Laura and Helen

Lola and Kirsten

Keswick - love it!

We went back to Laura's for tea which was chilli (delicious) and then Laura took Lola and Kirsten to the train station. In the evening we watched Notting Hill - great film - and were joined by Laura's flatmate, Fiona.
Today we went to a church that Laura is trying out and then had lunch at Laura's. After that it was time to leave so we went to the train station. My train to Glasgow was delayed 40 minutes!! Grrr! I was so annoyed but actually I quite enjoyed just sitting in the station. The train, once it arrived, was fine - in fact it was quite pleasant because it was really quiet. In the evening I went to Gardner Street as per usual.

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