Ok so first my parents and I went to Pennsylvania to visit the Campbell family. We flew from Teesside on 2nd June 2006 very early in the morning. We flew to Washington D.C. via Amsterdam. The flight went without hitch (I watched various things like Without A Trace, Harry Potter 4, Walk The Line and Pride and Prejudice to pass the time). When we got to the car rental place they had our details down wrong (they thought that we were picking the car up from Fort Lauderdale in Florida – er no! We are clearly in Washington D.C.). We did eventually get it sorted but it took AGES! After driving through a huge thunder storm we reached Carlisle, PA and were greeted by David, Mairi and Tina. Megan came later as she had been at some kind of service for some reason!! lol! We caught up for a while but then went to bed cos we were pretty tired. Had been up for 24 hours! So here is a list of basically what we did:

Saturday 3rd: Had a lazy morning to try and recover from the journey over. In afternoon went to a kind of craft fair in Boiling Springs. The craft fair was kind of boring but we got this ice cream called Dippin’ Dots which was just little tiny little balls of ice cream. Kind of strange but fun. Megan, Tina and I then went for a wander and headed to the boiling part of the spring and hung out there for a while. Some guy was watching us and then started chatting us up. He said to us, ‘I think your accent is really sexy. What do you think of mine?’ We were like – ERRR?? Thankfully he went away after a while of uncomfortable silence! Just relaxed in evening.
Tina (left) and Megan with the Dippin' Dots
Sunday 4th: Just went to church. Went to Sunday School with Megan, which was good. Church also good. Congregation was learning Name of All Majesty and had learned In Christ Alone last month so we sang that as well! Very nice! Met the Summer intern, his wife and son who came round to the Campbell’s after the evening service.
Monday 5th: Megan had school. The rest of us went to Gettysburg and drove round the battlefields. Was a really nice day so was a shame to be stuck in the car for a lot of it. Enjoyed looking round the battlefield but still don’t have a clue what went on and why! Went to Bonanza for tea (dinner for all you Americans – supper if you are Keagan!). When we went last time we were in the US I was just recovering from flu so hadn’t enjoyed it. This time I think I could have eaten the whole restaurant! Delicious! Started watching DVD of North and South (4 episodes).

Tuesday 6th: Went to Old Bedford Village. Have lots of original little houses and other buildings which have been moved to the site. It is like a living history museum or something. Was really nice but terribly hot.
Old Bedford Village - v pretty
Wednesday 7th: Had a Carlisle day today. I slept in then we went to the Capital City Mall somewhere near Carlisle. Just bought some little things. When Megan came back from school we went to a shop called Old Susquehanna House which is filled with lots of interesting things. Then to Target (which we don’t have in Britain), it is so cheap! I love it! Went to prayer meeting in evening.
Thursday 8th: Went to Lancaster County. Went on the Strasburg – Paradise stea

Daniel and Lauren with two of the kittens
Friday 9th: Went to the Pretzel Factory at Intercourse and learnt how to twist pretzels (I was not good!!). Then went to the Kitchen Kettle Village and some quilt shops. Finally we went to Bird-in-Hand farmers market before heading back to Carlisle. Watched more North and South.

Saturday 10th: Straightened Megan’s hair which took AAAGGGEEESSS!!! Then went to Hershey. Went on the little ride that they have which had changed since we were last there. Wanted to get our picture taken in the same thing that we had done it before but they had changed it so we were v. disappointed. Bought a lot of chocolate. Then we went to Harrisburg and had a look round the Capitol building. We then had ice cream at Strawberry Square. While crossing the Susquehanna Dad lost his hat which was amusing. Went to a Chinese Buffet for tea.
Taken just after Dad's hat flew into the Susquehanna
Sunday 11th: Church and Sunday School again. Both very good. In the afternoon we went into the church to play on the grand piano in the church and sing. Twas a lot of fun!

Monday 12th: Drove to Washington D.C and dropped off car which caused a lot of trouble – was getting so angry. Took train to New York just after 2pm. Arrived at around 5.30pm. New York = very loud and dirty but great. Hotel on 49th and Lexington and was really nice. Megan couldn’t come to NYC as planned cos her teachers had been on strike and they needed to make up the time. Didn’t do much in the evening.
Tuesday 13th: Went to Empire State Building very early so that we wouldn’t have to wait. Great view from up there on the 86th floor. Then went to Macys!! YAY!! Walked back to hotel via Times Square which was awesome even in daylight. Went into Toys R Us where they have a 3 storey ferris wheel which Tina and I went on. Also went to the American Girl Place which Tina wanted to go to. In

Toys R Us Ferris Wheel
Wednesday 14th: Took metro to get to ferry for Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Felt so sick on ferry that I couldn’t even go into the museum at the statue. Took a ranger tour arou

Tina and Statue of Liberty

Polar Bear at Central Park Zoo
Thursday 15th: Had breakfast out which is something that isn’t really done in Britain. Walked to Bloomingdales then took metro back to Macys (which is clearly better). Then went back to hotel to watch England beat Trinidad and Tobago sadly. In afternoon had a carriage ride around Central Park, then went to zoo. Polar Bear definitely the highlight. In evening Tina and I went to see The Lion King on Broadway – AMAZING!!!!!
Friday 16th: Mum’s birthday. Took train back to D.C. Then went to Shady Grove where David, Mairi and Megan came to pick up Tina. The hotel in Washington was a bit poor – I had to share a room with my parents – NOT GOOD!
Saturday 17th: My only full day in Washington. Took a trolley ride round the sights. Stopped off at the White House to walk around for a bit and have some lunch (unfortunately we weren’t invited in!) and then got back on the trolley for a while. It gave me a good overview of the city.
The White House

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