Well the snow was pretty mental yesterday. It stopped snowing just as I was leaving for church at around 11.45am. It was so deep already though and it made the normally very easy walk to church a bit more treacherous. Because of this there were on 5 of us at church. I expected this really because most of the congregation is elderly. So we all had a cup of tea before we began, then sang two songs, read a bit of Ruth which Fraser then talked a wee bit on and then had a time of open prayer. So it wasn’t really a proper service but it was good all the same. After the service we had another cup of tea, although Bill had to head home because he had come all the way from Bishopbriggs to be there. I was amazed that he even made it because he is over 80!! So I headed home to do some work on my essay. As I was going home it was clear that the snow was already melting. Jean told me that she doesn’t think that they had snow this bad for 20years!

In the evening I watched Songs of Praise. It was from Ireland because of St Patrick’s Day. The only reason that I am mentioning this is because I got the fright of my life when the camera did a close up on the face of my friend from the Tron, Jude. That part had been filmed a couple of years ago because she was in school uniform. So Songs of Praise has been found out – they reuse their material!! Shocking!! lol
At around 6.30pm I headed to Gardner St where again there were very few people although 12 seemed like a crowd compared to the numbers that had been at PBC.
Well onto today. I got up at 4.30am to write my essay. That may seem silly or whatever to some people but I actually find it a lot easier to work once I’ve had a few hours sleep rather than keeping on working and trying to get things done! I got my essay finished anyway and went to hand it in. I honestly thought that I was going to break my neck trying to get to uni today because the pavements were not clear at all and very slippy. Nightmare!! But I managed anyway. I’m having the rest of the day off now (I don’t have any lectures today anyway) and I’m so pleased that my 9am Biblical Studies lecture is cancelled tomorrow!!! Brilliant!

aww! i want snow!!!!! we only had a tiny bit Sunday till tuesday, but its all gone now :( why don't you bring some home with you?!
see you soon!!
beth xxxx
really glad you're coming home. i miss you
see you on sunday!
beth xxx
i can't find your comment thing 'bout peter from narnia- are you sure you sent it to me?? i cant remember any emails&its not a comment on my blog (-i just went&read through all of them to check!)
im currently sat in music (blurgh) listening to cross rhythms radio (hurrah!)
anyway, see you later (-need to ring you or something bout thursday)
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