Having a great time at home. I haven't really done a lot to be honest. I had my first driving lesson for a year on Thursday which went great - things just seemed to click. My instructor is really nice so it is really good!!
Have been to the gym a few times this week - I actually enjoyed it and was impressed at how much I was able to do considering I haven't done any proper exercise for a while.
On Friday evening I went to YL for the first time. It was great and very funny at times. I enjoyed it a lot!!!
On Saturday evening we all invaded the Plants' house, took over the living room and watched a DVD. The one chosen was Cinderella Man. It was a very good film, with a very good story but I wasn't too keen on all the boxing scenes - not my cup of tea!! But generally pretty enjoyable. We got home so late last night. James gave me a lift home and stopped at a green light which was funny. I got home at midnight exactly but counting the clocks changing it was one o'clock!!!!! So I'm very tired today and kept yawning through church this morning!!!!
Happy Birthday Stuart!!!
Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm back home now for 'Spring Vacation'. I have 3 weeks off which is great and I am so pleased to be home. It has been really good to catch up with the few people who are at home at the moment.
Dad and I travelled back to Darlo on Saturday morning in time for the football match against Carlisle. Cath decided to go too so it was very nice to see her again! To be honest it would have been a great day really if the match had ended at half time. In the first half we matched Carlisle move for move and they only scored just before half time. If the match had ended then we would only have lost 1-0. Unfortunately we had another 45 minutes to play - what a disaster!!!!!! We just collapsed!! The match ended at 5-0 although that probably didn't reflect how the match went. Carlisle were pretty lucky to get that many goals. We saw John and Mr Fuller driving out of the ground at the end of the match and they were gloating but what can you do!!
Haven't done much else really - just church and the games night on Saturday. Both were great. Mark's dad was preaching on Sunday. I thought he was pretty good really! It was good seeing people again - was speaking esp to Cilla and to Fred but of course saw people like Beth, Stuart, Cath etc etc etc
Finally just gotta say well done to Mathew on his silver medal for the Rugby 7s - how awesome!!!
Monday, March 13, 2006

Well the snow was pretty mental yesterday. It stopped snowing just as I was leaving for church at around 11.45am. It was so deep already though and it made the normally very easy walk to church a bit more treacherous. Because of this there were on 5 of us at church. I expected this really because most of the congregation is elderly. So we all had a cup of tea before we began, then sang two songs, read a bit of Ruth which Fraser then talked a wee bit on and then had a time of open prayer. So it wasn’t really a proper service but it was good all the same. After the service we had another cup of tea, although Bill had to head home because he had come all the way from Bishopbriggs to be there. I was amazed that he even made it because he is over 80!! So I headed home to do some work on my essay. As I was going home it was clear that the snow was already melting. Jean told me that she doesn’t think that they had snow this bad for 20years!

In the evening I watched Songs of Praise. It was from Ireland because of St Patrick’s Day. The only reason that I am mentioning this is because I got the fright of my life when the camera did a close up on the face of my friend from the Tron, Jude. That part had been filmed a couple of years ago because she was in school uniform. So Songs of Praise has been found out – they reuse their material!! Shocking!! lol
At around 6.30pm I headed to Gardner St where again there were very few people although 12 seemed like a crowd compared to the numbers that had been at PBC.
Well onto today. I got up at 4.30am to write my essay. That may seem silly or whatever to some people but I actually find it a lot easier to work once I’ve had a few hours sleep rather than keeping on working and trying to get things done! I got my essay finished anyway and went to hand it in. I honestly thought that I was going to break my neck trying to get to uni today because the pavements were not clear at all and very slippy. Nightmare!! But I managed anyway. I’m having the rest of the day off now (I don’t have any lectures today anyway) and I’m so pleased that my 9am Biblical Studies lecture is cancelled tomorrow!!! Brilliant!

Sunday, March 12, 2006
It is snowing like mad here just now. It has been snowing all night and it is quite deep now. It doesn't look like it is going to stop any time soon either. I wish I didn't have to walk to church this morning. If I'd thought about it I could have just gone to Gardner St (on the corner of my street) but that starts like now so even though it would take me half a second to get there I don't think that I'd make it in time. I'll go there in the evening though as usual!
Glasgow looks so pretty in the snow. I wish it looked like this all the time!
Glasgow looks so pretty in the snow. I wish it looked like this all the time!
Saturday, March 11, 2006
I'm sitting in the library just now which is slightly depressing because I can think of so many more things that I would rather be doing on a Saturday! But it is my own fault I guess because I always leave things until the last minute, mainly because I work much better under pressure (or at least that is what I tell myself) but I do normally do better in exams than in essays or coursework where I have a lot more time to ponder things. So as you can see I am trying to distract myself from the prospect of work by posting just now (I have done a little it must be said).
While I am working I am listening to www.crossrhythms.co.uk (i always have to think Rejoice Heartly Your Teacher Has Measles to spell rhythm!) which is an online Christian radio station and has been playing some really good songs this morning. In 15 mins I will be changing radio stations to listen to TFM online. TFM is a local north east radio station that does really good coverage of some of the north east football teams - Darlo, Middlebrough and Hartlepool - (bleurgh!) and they cover their matches. So it is especially good when they are at a Darlo match because you can hear what is going on rather than having to wait for the result. TFM's football shows start at 12pm with Soccer Saturday, which is usually very funny and entertaining so I shall definitely be listening in! Darlo are playing Chester at home today. It is a really important game for me because I was born in Chester so I always feel satisfaction when we beat the team that I probably would have supported if we'd stayed there. The last time we played them the result was a 4-4 draw which was gutting because we were ahead for most of the match! Hopefully we will beat them today!
I should probably get back to my work now though! :'-(
Hope everyone else is having a great Saturday!
While I am working I am listening to www.crossrhythms.co.uk (i always have to think Rejoice Heartly Your Teacher Has Measles to spell rhythm!) which is an online Christian radio station and has been playing some really good songs this morning. In 15 mins I will be changing radio stations to listen to TFM online. TFM is a local north east radio station that does really good coverage of some of the north east football teams - Darlo, Middlebrough and Hartlepool - (bleurgh!) and they cover their matches. So it is especially good when they are at a Darlo match because you can hear what is going on rather than having to wait for the result. TFM's football shows start at 12pm with Soccer Saturday, which is usually very funny and entertaining so I shall definitely be listening in! Darlo are playing Chester at home today. It is a really important game for me because I was born in Chester so I always feel satisfaction when we beat the team that I probably would have supported if we'd stayed there. The last time we played them the result was a 4-4 draw which was gutting because we were ahead for most of the match! Hopefully we will beat them today!
I should probably get back to my work now though! :'-(
Hope everyone else is having a great Saturday!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Have just found out the fixture list for Scotland's group B qualifying fixtures for Euro 2008. We have a really tough group including France, Italy, Lithuania, Ukraine, Georgia and the Faroe Islands. So there will be some difficult fixtures but they should be exciting as well!
Here is the fixture list:
Saturday, 2 September - Scotland v Faroe Islands
Wednesday, 6 September - Lithuania v Scotland
Saturday, 7 October - Scotland v France
Wednesday, 11 October - Ukraine v Scotland
Saturday 24 March - Scotland v Georgia
Wednesday, 28 March - Italy v Scotland
Saturday, 2 June - no game
Wednesday, 6 June - Faroe Islands v Scotland
Saturday, 8 September - Scotland v Lithuania
Wednesday, 12 September - France v Scotland
Saturday, 13 October - Scotland v Ukraine
Wednesday, 17 October - Georgia v Scotland
Saturday, 17 November - Scotland v Italy
Wednesday, 21 November - no game
All of the home games are on Saturdays and the away games on Wednesdays which I guess is good but it kind of eliminates the chance of going to the away matches in say France and Italy which would have been quite good ones to go to! I don't know how well we will do in these games really. We'll probably fall flat on our faces when we play the Faroes cos that is what usually happens when we play them!
Here is the fixture list:
Saturday, 2 September - Scotland v Faroe Islands
Wednesday, 6 September - Lithuania v Scotland
Saturday, 7 October - Scotland v France
Wednesday, 11 October - Ukraine v Scotland
Saturday 24 March - Scotland v Georgia
Wednesday, 28 March - Italy v Scotland
Saturday, 2 June - no game
Wednesday, 6 June - Faroe Islands v Scotland
Saturday, 8 September - Scotland v Lithuania
Wednesday, 12 September - France v Scotland
Saturday, 13 October - Scotland v Ukraine
Wednesday, 17 October - Georgia v Scotland
Saturday, 17 November - Scotland v Italy
Wednesday, 21 November - no game
All of the home games are on Saturdays and the away games on Wednesdays which I guess is good but it kind of eliminates the chance of going to the away matches in say France and Italy which would have been quite good ones to go to! I don't know how well we will do in these games really. We'll probably fall flat on our faces when we play the Faroes cos that is what usually happens when we play them!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I am so tired at the moment! I'm working on an essay that is due in on Monday and it seems to be taking forever. I'm having to read a big chunk of Herodotus' Histories for Classical Civilisation. Herodotus is considered to be the father of history. Ok, lesson over! It sounds really boring but it is actually quite interesting and easy to read - some of it is actually quite funny. It is definately not like the history that we have now! All the little anecdotes and rumors that he has included in his work are really funny and I don't know how he believed it - although he does say that he doesn't believe everything that he has written. It isn't too bad really but it seems to be taking an awful long time! I can't wait until I've handed it in and then I can think about the hols!!
I had a bit of an idea yesterday - well, I've actually had the idea before but never stuck at it for more than a day - and that is for a prayer journal. During the day I write down anything that I want to pray about that comes up during the day - whether on the news or something one of my friends says etc and then I don't forget about it when it comes to my devos at night. It also helps with my concentration cos I lose that really easily and lose track of what I was trying to say. So hopefully I'll be able to try and keep the journal up cos it really is helpful!
I'm just about to watch Crufts now. I don't think my dog, Hattie, would do so well there even in the events where non pedigree dogs are allowed to enter!! She's not the brightest dog in the world but I still miss her A LOT when I'm in Glasgow. Maybe that is a bit sad but I can't speak to her on the phone like I can my Mum and Dad!!

Anyway I must go and attend to my hamster who has got very fat now!! He is such a greedy wee man!
I had a bit of an idea yesterday - well, I've actually had the idea before but never stuck at it for more than a day - and that is for a prayer journal. During the day I write down anything that I want to pray about that comes up during the day - whether on the news or something one of my friends says etc and then I don't forget about it when it comes to my devos at night. It also helps with my concentration cos I lose that really easily and lose track of what I was trying to say. So hopefully I'll be able to try and keep the journal up cos it really is helpful!
I'm just about to watch Crufts now. I don't think my dog, Hattie, would do so well there even in the events where non pedigree dogs are allowed to enter!! She's not the brightest dog in the world but I still miss her A LOT when I'm in Glasgow. Maybe that is a bit sad but I can't speak to her on the phone like I can my Mum and Dad!!

Anyway I must go and attend to my hamster who has got very fat now!! He is such a greedy wee man!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
I don't really know why I am updating my blog today. I don't really have any news at all. The last few days have been nothing special, pretty boring really. This is the start of a really busy spell for me at the moment though because I have about a million bits of coursework that need to be done. So my schedule goes like this:
13th March: 1st Classical Civilisation essay
17th March: History essay (but can actually hand it in at a later date) Spring vacation starts.
11th April: Spring vacation ends
13th April: Final History deadline
14th April: Good Friday and my birthday
20th April: History seminar paper
24th April: 2nd Classical Civilisation essay and Biblical studies essay
So there is a lot to be getting on with. I'm hoping to get as much as possible done over the holidays and I'm also going to take a few driving lesson because I have been learning to drive on and off for 3 years now which is pretty ridiculous. I'm really hoping to get going with that over the next few months. It has been nearly a year now since I stopped my driving lessons last time.
I can't wait for the Commonwealth Games which are starting in a few weeks. I've been missing the sport on the TV since the Winter Olympics finished not so long ago. Hopefully there will be some exciting events!! Definitely looking forward to the Rugby Sevens where Mathew will hopefully be playing!
I think that I forgot to mention how the ice skating went! It was A LOT of fun! There were so many neds though which was a bit annoying but we just laughed at them to be honest. That may sound horrible but if you've ever come across Glasgow neds then you'll know what I'm talking about! I think Christine and I took to the ice quite well. The problem was that I kept laughing and had to stop skating. I fell over twice (I have a big bruise on my knee) and Christine fell over once but that was my fault because I brought her down with me when I fell! Ooops!
Well I should probably go and read either Aristotle or Herodotus for my first Classical Civilisation essay!! Oh and Beth, cheer up honey! I will reply to your e-mail very soon okay?
13th March: 1st Classical Civilisation essay
17th March: History essay (but can actually hand it in at a later date) Spring vacation starts.
11th April: Spring vacation ends
13th April: Final History deadline
14th April: Good Friday and my birthday
20th April: History seminar paper
24th April: 2nd Classical Civilisation essay and Biblical studies essay
So there is a lot to be getting on with. I'm hoping to get as much as possible done over the holidays and I'm also going to take a few driving lesson because I have been learning to drive on and off for 3 years now which is pretty ridiculous. I'm really hoping to get going with that over the next few months. It has been nearly a year now since I stopped my driving lessons last time.
I can't wait for the Commonwealth Games which are starting in a few weeks. I've been missing the sport on the TV since the Winter Olympics finished not so long ago. Hopefully there will be some exciting events!! Definitely looking forward to the Rugby Sevens where Mathew will hopefully be playing!
I think that I forgot to mention how the ice skating went! It was A LOT of fun! There were so many neds though which was a bit annoying but we just laughed at them to be honest. That may sound horrible but if you've ever come across Glasgow neds then you'll know what I'm talking about! I think Christine and I took to the ice quite well. The problem was that I kept laughing and had to stop skating. I fell over twice (I have a big bruise on my knee) and Christine fell over once but that was my fault because I brought her down with me when I fell! Ooops!
Well I should probably go and read either Aristotle or Herodotus for my first Classical Civilisation essay!! Oh and Beth, cheer up honey! I will reply to your e-mail very soon okay?
Friday, March 03, 2006
Well the football didn't really go to plan. Scotland lost 3-1 to Switzerland and it was very, very dull and incredibly cold!! The only thing of note was that there was a streaker - mental person!! There were some Swiss people who weren't wearing any tops and I thought that they were crazy (as I was wrapped up in about 20 layers!) but the Scots had to go one better!!! Also although Shaun Maloney was a sub, he never played. I paid good money to see that match so I was angry that he didn't play!
Yesterday I went to lectures as my dad stayed in my flat to wait for an electrician to come who was going to fix the cellar light and reinstall a smoke alarm in my hall. Unfortunately he was only able to do the second of those things but a least that is done now. When my lectures had finished my dad went to PC World to get me a new printer as my old one was completely broken and a printer is pretty vital when you've got essays to write! While he was doing this I took Zinzan to the vets because he has been having nosebleeds. The vet said that it is probably because he is allergic to something and when he sneezes (which I haven't noticed - but imagine a hamster sneezing!!! SO cute!!) it will cause a nosebleed. The problem is it could be ANYTHING!!! So I've got to change one thing at a time to see what it could be, starting with the wood shavings. I hope that it isn't the bedding because Dad and I just bought a HUGE bag of the stuff!! I've also got be careful about spraying anything near the cage etc. Credit to Zinzan cos he behaved very well on his first outing, even though it was freezing, and he didn't bite the vet!! Yay!!
Just had one lecture and one tutorial today. Both quite interesting I guess but nothing special. I'm excited cos tonight I'm going ice skating with Christine, her dad, her little bro' Cameron and his friend. I love ice skating so I can't wait - I hope I don't fall over too much!
Yesterday I went to lectures as my dad stayed in my flat to wait for an electrician to come who was going to fix the cellar light and reinstall a smoke alarm in my hall. Unfortunately he was only able to do the second of those things but a least that is done now. When my lectures had finished my dad went to PC World to get me a new printer as my old one was completely broken and a printer is pretty vital when you've got essays to write! While he was doing this I took Zinzan to the vets because he has been having nosebleeds. The vet said that it is probably because he is allergic to something and when he sneezes (which I haven't noticed - but imagine a hamster sneezing!!! SO cute!!) it will cause a nosebleed. The problem is it could be ANYTHING!!! So I've got to change one thing at a time to see what it could be, starting with the wood shavings. I hope that it isn't the bedding because Dad and I just bought a HUGE bag of the stuff!! I've also got be careful about spraying anything near the cage etc. Credit to Zinzan cos he behaved very well on his first outing, even though it was freezing, and he didn't bite the vet!! Yay!!
Just had one lecture and one tutorial today. Both quite interesting I guess but nothing special. I'm excited cos tonight I'm going ice skating with Christine, her dad, her little bro' Cameron and his friend. I love ice skating so I can't wait - I hope I don't fall over too much!
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