Had a really great evening. Christine came over for tea and we made pancakes. It was such good fun! Ok, so the first one ended up in the bin but generally we were pretty good at it! Now, I've got to say I'm a very traditional 'lemon and sugar' pancake type of girl and I was totally shocked to learn that Christine has never tried that combination. Thats like the original pancake thing!!! How can she not have tried it??! She wouldn't even try it tonight! Loser!!! lol I'm really excited cos my dad should be arriving really soon. He is staying here for a couple of days, mainly because we are planning to go to the Scotland v Switzerland friendly at Hampden tomorrow
night. I can't wait! I hope that Shaun Maloney is playing because although he used to be my favourite footballer (except Ryan) I have never really seen him play as I've never been to a Celtic match before. He is no longer one of my favourite players because I learned that really he's a bit of an idiot as my cousin's cousin who has played against him will testify! But I'd still like to see him play because he is a good footballer so fingers crossed! I'm really looking forward to spending some time with my dad again - even though I only saw him on Saturday! I haven't seen Mum for what seems like ages and ages so I wish she was coming up too but unfortunately she isn't cos she has to work and she doesn't care one bit about football!! Anyway my dad should be here any minute so I'd better go!
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